BV West Spotlight Online • November 27, 2022 •
Check Please – Rep Theater Performance
Theater workshop class puts on show
Rebeca Flores Luna, Elina Kahrs, Photographers
Sophomore Kenzie Alexander performing in Rep Theaters’ performance of Check Please. (Rebeca Flores Luna)Sophomores Katie Coughlin and Bubba Hayne Acting in Check Please brought by rep theater. (Rebeca Flores Luna)Sophomores Katie Coughlin and Bubba Hayne acting in rep theaters’ production of Check Please. (Rebeca Flores Luna)Sophmore Sophia Scott acting as a mime in Check Please. (Rebeca Flores Luna)Sophomore Sophia Scott acting in Rep theaters’ performance of Check Please. (Rebeca Flores Luna)Sophia Scott performing in Check Please brought to you by Rep Theater. (Rebeca Flores Luna)Junior Lily Seitz acting in rep theater’ performance of Check Please. (Rebeca Flores Luna)Sophomore Haley Hellings Acting in rep theaters’ production of Check Please (Rebeca Flores Luna)