BV West Spotlight Online • January 31, 2022 •
Girls Varsity and Boys JV Wrestling Triangular Trade 1/20/22
BVW Girls Varsity And Boys JV Wrestling compete on Jan. 20
Aditi Mehra, Morgan Magee, Anna Davenport, Photographer
Sophomore Bella Lyons holds opponent in bottom position (Aditi Mehra)Sam Dew is trying to pin the opponent with a half-nelson (Aditi Mehra)Sophomore Bella Lyons and opponent are in neutral position as match begins (Aditi Mehra)Freshman Sana Reddy attemptes to break down the opponent (Aditi Mehra)Sam Dew puts the opponent in a half nelson (Aditi Mehra)BVW Wrestler attempts to break down opponent (Aditi Mehra)Sophomore Bella Lyons smirks at opponenet as match begins (Aditi Mehra)BVW Wrestler attempts to escape bottom position (Aditi Mehra)BVW Wrestler attempts to escape bottom position using his hands and head (Aditi Mehra)Sophomore Dominic Berutti are in nuetral positon attempting to break each others defense (Aditi Mehra)Sophomore Dominic Berutti attempts to break opponenets grip and get to top position (Aditi Mehra)Sophomore Quin Breuckmann pinning down opponent at the Triangular Trade. (Morgan Magee)Alex Parcells, freshman starting off her match strong. (Morgan Magee)Freshman Sana Reddy trying to stay on top of her opponent while also trying to stay in the circle. (Morgan Magee)Senior Mustafaa Chapuk pinning his opponent down in his second match of the night. (Morgan Magee)Sophomore Bella Lyons working hard to get her opponent down on the mat in her second match. (Morgan Magee)Sophomore Bella Lyons having a friendly talk with her opponent after their match. (Morgan Magee)Bella Lyons, Sophomore pushing her opponent down to the mat fighting hard to stay on top. (Morgan Magee)Freshman Elinna Kahrs watching her opponent make the first move. (Morgan Magee)Anna DavenportAnna DavenportSophomore Dominic Beruitti attempts to pin down opponent in top position (Anna Davenport)Anna DavenportAnna DavenportAnna DavenportAnna DavenportBella Lyons starts in top postion after opponent gets penalized (Anna Davenport)