BV West Spotlight Online • March 2, 2023 •
Boys JV Basketball vs. Aquinas 2/24
Morgan White, Photographer
Freshman Cade Wysong blocks opponent from Aquinas. (Morgan White)Manny Jonah shoots and scores a free throw. (Morgan White)Junior Manny Jonah shoots a free throw for the Jags. (Morgan White)Caleb Pillars dribbles ball toward basket. (Morgan White)Brandon Kirk signals to teammate to open up for a pass. (Morgan White)Will Watson dribbles the basketball past opponent from Aquinas. (Morgan White)JV Boys Basketball team celebrate a three pointer scored by Will Watson. (Morgan White)Freshman Cade Wysong high fives Brandon Kirk after being subbed out of the game. (Morgan White)Sophomore Tyler Peterson high fives Tate Miller and JV team after subbing out of the game. (Morgan White)Will Watson jumps up and scores a basket for BVW. (Morgan White)Tyler Peterson reaches across opponent in attempt to steal the ball. (Morgan White)Junior Will Watson shoots and scores a three pointer for the JagsBrandon Sander (Junior) looks across the court for an open pass. (Morgan White)Sophomore Brandon Kirk runs down the court as the Jags attempt to steal the ball from opponent. (Morgan White)Sophomore Caleb Pillars yells to teammate across the court to help guard opponent from Aquinas. (Morgan White)