The Right


Highschool is the time for discovering what is important to you. Over four years you decide what you like, who you like, and what your views include on a variety of topics. However, one thing is universal towards everyone’s senior year, their 18th birthday, which is the beginning of the right to vote. Many younger generations can feel lost when it comes to politics. This can lead to voting people into power with no idea how it will affect them in the coming years. Politics have become a big part of my life since the 2016 election. I got into politics because of my father but I continued to follow politics out of my own curiosity. My father made his political opinions clear but it wasn’t until President Trump got elected that I decided my own political opinions. I had realized that I agreed more with the Republican platform than the Democratic Platform.

COVID 19 hit the country by surprise and caused a lot of criticism for Trump about how he handled the situation. Trump closed the borders at the end of January which made some democrats call him racist but then later in the summer they told him that he was responsible for deaths resulting from COVID-19 due to not closing the borders fast enough. There was a huge success in the amount of tests the United States was able to have in a short amount of time. A 2.2 billion relief bill was passed to help the people of the US who were struggling economically from the pandemic. Trump has publicly stated that he supports children going back to school which is something I feel strongly about. There has been a lot of information coming out that supports kids going back to school which includes the survival rate for the ages 1-20 at 99.97%. There has been research that supports that Covid does not stay on surfaces for longer than 17 minutes and that the particles of covid are too small that normal masks that everyone wears do not protect you. The CDC just released a statement that in places where there is a mask mandate they have a significantly higher positive COVID-19 percentage than in places without a mask mandate. How can this be when the American people are being told that masks will reduce the numbers everyday?

Supreme Court:
After the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, there was a new spot open on the Supreme Court. This caused a lot of controversy in this election due to the democrats wanting a nomination for the spot to wait until after the election. Donald Trump nominated Amy Coney Barret. For republicans, this can be seen as a win because they want to get as many conservative judges in the high court. Her cool, calm, and collected vibe along with her answers as an originalist, who believes the role of a justice is to adhere to the text of the statues, makes her stand out. There are only two other justices that call themselves orginialists which would make it three if Barrett is approved by the senate. Diversity on a court can create better answers that more people agree with.

The economy has always held a large importance, and Trump has made the economy his number one goal. He had the lowest unemployment rates in Asain, Hispanic, and African Americans communities. Along with creating over a million jobs combined in construction, and the manufacturing industry. Trump signed into office a major tax reform which included tax cuts for small business, big corporations, made the standard deduction, and reformed the tax brackets. These reforms helped everyone across the board which ended up benefitted America greatly. Every class got a tax cut but the lower and middle class got even bigger ones. Corporate Businesses also got tax cuts which were seen very negatively by the democrats but it was actually a good thing because it allowed corporations to use that extra money to hire new people and in some cases corporations gave bonuses to their employees.

Social Injustice:
A topic that doesn’t seem to leave any conversation is the topic of equality and your rights as a human being. The biggest topics regard gender, race, and sexuality. These topics continue to dominate the media outlet and most of the media reflects Donald Trump as the bad guy when it comes to these topics. However, Trump is the only president to ever go into office supporting the LGBTQ+ community, he has publicly supported gay rights for over 20 years. Trump disassembled the crime bill of 1994 that hurt communities of color by authorizing the death penalty for 60 new federal offenses, imposed mandatory life sentences on persons with three or more felony convictions, and imposed harsh penalties for youth. This bill is the reason that two-thirds of Americans who were sentenced to life in prison as juveniles are African American. This bill massively hurt communities of color and getting rid of it puts America another step forward in equality. Trump was also chairman of the 1987 Annual NAACP Convention, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a civil rights organization since 1909. Trump has done many things for the black communities of America and I think it’s a shame that media outlets don’t highlight all the good things Trump has done. He is a president for the people, and has continued to work through all of the media criticism.