BV West Spotlight Online • November 14, 2023 •
The Outsiders (11/9)
Ella Ratigan, Makenzie Galliart, Julian Duarte, and Andy Duarte
Johnny gets jumped by the socs and tries to escape. (Makenzie Galliart)Ponyboy wakes up frightened in an ambulance surrounded by nurses. (Andy Duarte)Dallas proudly buys food for Johnny and Ponyboy after they leave the church (Andy Duarte)Ponyboy stares in the distance during a monologue reflecting his current situation. (Andy Duarte)Dallas stands in fear realizing what Johnny and Ponyboy have done. (Andy Duarte)Johnny mourns, realizing the impact of killing a soc. (Andy Duarte)Two-Bit tells a joke at the movies that no one is impressed by. (Andy Duarte)Ponyboy, the lead in the Outsiders show, looks over the audience monologuing sadly. (Julian Duarte)Ponyboy sits in sadness, waiting for help to come as the light shines over him. (Julian Duarte)Two actors share an emotional scene as one has been abused by their significant other. (Julian Duarte)Dallas tries impressing the ladies during a large ensemble scene. (Julian Duarte)Sodapop hangs out with his girlfriend on a couch. (Julian Duarte)Johnny desperately tries to break free from a Socs grasp to help his friend. (Julian Duarte)Ponyboy Curtis talks to Johnny the night after he gets jumped. (Makenzie Galliart)Dallas Winston leads a pack of greasers to go confront the socs. (Makenzie Galliart)Dallas Winston, played by Junior Bubba Hayne, smokes a cigarette and talks to the audience. (Makenzie Galliart)Ponyboy visits Johnny and Dallas at the hospital after the church fire. (Makenzie Galliart)The nurses wheeled Johnny to the emergency room after the incident at the church. (Makenzie Galliart)Cherry talks to Ponyboy about greasers and socs. (Makenzie Galliart)Johnny talks to Two-Bit and Ponyboy in the hospital. (Makenzie Galliart)Sodapop and Two-Bit help Johnny walk after he gets jumped (Ella Ratigan)Cherry Valance is disgusted as Dally tries to hit on her. (Ella Ratigan)Johnny pulls out his switchblade in self-defense when the socs attack. (Ella Ratigan)Johnny cries over Bob’s body after he accidentally kills him. (Ella Ratigan)Ponyboy reflects on the previous night as he and Johnny hide out in the church. (Ella Ratigan)Johnny is overwhelmed with guilt over his actions and fears for his future. (Ella Ratigan)A Soc leader faces off with a Greaser before the rumble. (Ella Ratigan)Dally pulls a gun on the hospital staff, desperate to go in and see Johnny. (Ella Ratigan)