Video show returns after COVID hiatus

Despite pandemic and technical set backs, Jagged Edge returns to Advisory programming

Erica Schroeder, Guest Writer

Jagged Edge Video is back and looking differently this year. After struggling with hybrid and Covid the crew is back together and bigger than ever.

“This is one of the biggest crews we’ve had in years,” teacher Todd Kurimsky said. “The other thing I really like is there’s a lot of different kinds of talent skills within this group dynamic and I think we’ll really be able to utilize that.”

The group’s hard work is turning heads. They have started being more active on instagram and are already typically getting over 1000 views per post.

“I feel like the members are a lot more involved this year and a lot more committed,” junior Delainey Seibert said.

Jagged Edge has had fun in the past but is ready to take things in a new direction.

“I really miss the people that were in it but I’m very excited for this year,” senior Jolie Brown said.

Jagged Edge will be posting actively on their Instagram and return to making shows. The first show is scheduled for Oct. 7.