BV West Color Run

Photo Gallery

Morgan Caviar, Contributor


Mercedes Porter, Grace Glander, Sydney Rasmussen, Olivia Barker
The BVW Color Run was held on Sat., Oct. 15. The event was organized by seniors Olivia Wallace and Haley Bates.

Photo gallery by Olivia Barker, Grace Glander, Mercedes Porter and Sydney Rasmussen.

Members of the Jaguar Pride Coalition and other volunteers created BV West’s very own color run. The run was held the morning of Oct. 15. It began in the school parking lot, wound through nearby neighborhoods and returned to school.

Seniors Haley Bates and Olivia Wallace had the idea for the run and did the organization. Senior Trent Gallagher was also on the Color Run team.

Wallace and Bates wanted to bring something new to BV West to create more of a family atmosphere.

The administration and JPCo are strongly against bullying so they decided to create a fun event to help put an end to it.

The money raised for the run will be donated to a charity called Pacers, an organization against bullying. A run created a fun way to help out the community. There was no training involved because it was purely for fun. The BV West Color Run was similar to “professional” color runs with the colored powder at various stations around the course and at the finish line.