Destiny Arnold & Coleman Barnes

Senior Coleman Barnes and sophomore Destiny Arnold share their Christmas traditions

The holidays are a time for family, friends and joy. There are many different holidays and traditions that students at BV West celebrate. Christmas, in particular, is a major holiday observed by many. Christian families across America typically go to church, hang up lights and give presents in celebration of this day. However, many families have their own unique traditions.

Senior Coleman Barnes, who is an Evangelical Christian, says he has many Christmas traditions that his family and friends enjoy annually.

“We watch ‘Elf’ every year and we go on Christmas light rides,” Barnes said. 

Barnes also shared some of his favorite family memories from past years. 

“My grandma makes pies for Christmas dinners, there’s a history of some guys eating the pies before she notices,” Barnes said. “One year we were ready to eat dessert and we realized all the pies were gone.” 

With his friends, Barnes enjoys having FCA Christmas parties, white elephant gift exchanges or simply just hanging out and being around others. For him, the best part of it all is getting together with friends and family to celebrate.

Sophomore Destiny Arnold also has her own special traditions that she celebrates annually.

“Our family always reads the Christmas story on Christmas eve,” Arnold said. “Then, on Christmas we open presents and have a huge meal together for brunch.”

Arnold also enjoys traditions with her youth group and friends. She typically has some sort of holiday party at her church. Many of her friends have birthdays around Christmas, so they have combined birthday and Christmas parties.

While celebrating her unique traditions she also upholds some classic Christmas activities. She attends charity events at her church, decorates her many Christmas trees and enjoys baking cookies with her family.

One of Arnold’s favorite parts of the holiday season, however, is the time she gets to spend with her older brothers. 

“It’s very special because I don’t often get to see them anymore,” Arnold said. “I am the youngest kid and the only girl of four. I have seen my three brothers grow up and now they are guiding me as I go through high school and eventually college, so the bond we have is very important to me.”

BV West students celebrate many holidays with many traditions, these are just a few.