New Permanent Traffic Solution
August 9, 2016
The BV West parking lot and traffic flow has changed many times in the last two years to improve efficiency. Parents experienced traffic jams at drop-off and student drivers experienced frustrations upon leaving school at the end of the day. A new solution will be implemented on the first day of school, Thursday, Aug. 11; this solution is permanent and expected to alleviate past problems.
The notorious traffic cones that were in the parking lot second semester of the 2015-16 school year were replaced by a concrete median. Construction crews worked all summer in order to complete the project before school starts. The traffic flow remains the same but there are no neon orange cones to knock over, only curbs to hit.
“When dropping off and picking up, parents should enter campus at the north access road and proceed to the loop in front of the school,” Principal Dr. Brett Potts said in an email to students and parents. “Parents can exit either through the north access road or turn and drive behind the school to go around to the south access road where there is a traffic light. Student drivers should enter at the south (main) access road at the traffic light and proceed to the student parking lots. Senior specific parking spots have been designated in the center lot.”