Symbolism of Safety Pins

The Hysteria Regarding Wearing Safety Pins in the United States

Stephen Kinder, Contributor

The Standard Safety Pin

After this election, people have been putting away the Hillary and Trump accessories, but some have not finished campaigning as they equip on a safety pins to symbolize their stance on the outcome of the US election.

While many around the United States are currently wearing these pins to exercise their First Amendment right, many may ask why they are wearing these pins. “I thought they were just safety pins,” said sophomore Jonah Park. “I did not know they held any symbolic meaning.” So what exactly are the symbolic    meaning of safety pins?

Contrary to popular belief, the use of safety pins as a political statement first started when the United Kingdom left the European Union. Many people started wearing them all throughout Europe to show their support and provide secure feelings for refugees in Europe.

Many months later safety pins  reappeared in a fashion and political sense after the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 Election. Many people who felt like they disagreed with the election’s outcome, are wearing safety pins to symbolize that they feel contempt for the newly elected president. Along with that reason, people that wear safety pins also agree with the idea that refugees and immigrants should be welcomed into the United States.

One week after the presidential election, people have started to criticize the political statement of safety pins. People who lean to the right claim that this political pin are is “too politically correct.” Even upon Googling “safety pins” one would get article headlines of criticism from minorities.

At one point, safety pins have become so mainstream, that even the writers of the upcoming “Rogue One” movie have incorporated them into their movie; “Star Wars against hate. Spread it,” said writer Chris Weitz on twitter. Not only did he endorse this movement, but he also posted a Rebel Star Wars logo with a safety pin in it.

With millions protesting different changed all over the world, this is most likely not the last time we will see the use of a safety pin for political reasons.