Abortion: New Law Adds Fuel to Never-Ending Debate
A controversial law in Texas sparks opinions

October 11, 2021
Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our nation. People on both sides, pro-life and pro-choice, continue to hold opposing views. So, when a new abortion law went into effect in Texas on Sept. 1, it was no surprise that it caused great jubilance for one side, while causing fear and dismay for the other.
Texas’s new law states that it’s illegal for women to get an abortion after six weeks, which is as soon as a fetal heartbeat is detected. In addition, the law allows citizens to sue abortion providers and anyone else who helps make the abortion possible, such as anyone giving a woman a ride to get an abortion or anyone helping with financial aid. Some Texans feel like this new law is necessary, while others feel like it restricts individual freedom.
There are a variety of different opinions about this law. A sophomore, who prefers to remain anonymous, feels that it is “sickening,” and hates how men are making laws affecting women’s bodies.
“Why do you feel the need to argue on women’s abortion laws when you, a man, can’t even have an abortion? Me, as a woman, am able to have an abortion so I feel we should be the main ones talking about it and discussing it,” she said.
While some feel this bill could make a positive impact by saving innocent lives, she feels that it could do the opposite.
“If you make abortions illegal, then people are still going to have abortions, just more dangerously,” she said.
She feels that everyone should just “worry about themselves,” despite any other outside views.
“If someone around me wants to get an abortion, that’s ok with me. It’s THEIR BODY, THEIR CHOICE. Even if the baby inside of them isn’t their body, it is still inside of them and is a part of them until they are born. A woman’s body is her choice and she gets to decide what to do with her child,” she said.
Freshman Sienna Martinez also feels that Texas’ new law is “absolutely absurd.” She feels that it is taking away women’s rights and, just like the anonymous sophomore, feels like men are forcing their views into women’s bodies.
“What’s happening in Texas is crazy and inhumane. It is insane to me that people still have the audacity to call this country the freest country in the world when in this exact same country women in the state of Texas do no have the right to have an abortion,” Martinez said.
Martinez also adds that most women don’t know that they’re pregnant until after four to five weeks.
“[By that time] most abortion clinics are going to be full so either Texas needs to open more abortion clinics or get rid of the law,” Martinez said.
On the other hand, others are excited by this new law. Junior Ben Seitz feels that this law is “a first step to something greater.” He also feels that there are many other alternatives besides abortion for those that don’t want to have a child.
“I think that if you want to not have a child, you can use the four main methods of contraception. 1. Protection. 2. Birth control. 3. Plan B. 4. Abstinence. All are very effective and have been proven to work,” Seitz said. “I understand the main reason why abortion is needed in lots of people’s lives, but in my life, I believe abortion is as terrible as it can get.”
Kansas’ abortion law states that abortion is illegal after 20 weeks, unless necessary to save the patient’s life or avoid serious, lasting risks. As of 2017, 98% of Kansas counties had no abortion clinics, and 61% of all Kansas women lived in those counties. In addition, abortion is covered in the insurance policies of public employees only when the patient’s life is in danger.
The Texas law has been challenged but has been in effect for several weeks. There have also been suggestions from leaders in other states suggesting proposing a similar law. Numerous, opposing opinions continue to be debated.