Boys Varsity Soccer vs BVSW 10/11

BVW boys varsity soccer went up against BVSW Tuesday night, falling short, with their record now being 8-3-3.

Lamya Alam, Mia Turner, Jenna Dooley, Kiara Nissen, Photographers

Senior Carlo Sadun talking to the ref after gaining possession of the ball. (Lamya Alam)
Cooper Marquette kicking the ball towards his teammate. (Kiara Nissen)
Colsen Odgers gets ready to take the ball from BVSW. (Kiara Nissen)
Braxton Williams getting ready to steal the ball. (Kiara Nissen)
Cooper Marquette bringing the ball down the field. (Kiara Nissen)
Colby Reese kicking the soccer ball to the other side of the field. (Kiara Nissen)
Four of the BVW players jump to block the penalty kick. (Kiara Nissen)
Carlo Sudan running to get to the ball. (Kiara Nissen)
Carlo Sudan and BVSW player collide by trying to headbut the ball. (Kiara Nissen)
Midfielder, Austin Hunter goes in for a headbut. (Kiara Nissen)
Alexander Roy running to kick the soccer ball. (Kiara Nissen)
Alexander Roy kicking the soccer ball to another BVW player. (Kiara Nissen)
Colby reese kicking the ball to another BVW player. (Kiara Nissen)
Carlo Sudan kicking the soccer ball hard enough to get down the field. (Kiara Nissen)
Arav Pant trying to defend the soccer ball. (Kiara Nissen)
The Varsity team walks arm and arm to start the game. (Jenna Dooley)
Jenna Dooley
Freshman, Colsen Odgers with the ball (Mia Turner)
Junior Alex Eden runs toward the other team’s goal. (Jenna Dooley)
Sophomore Brandon Kirk dribbling the ball (Mia Turner)
Senior Cooper Marquette running after the ball (Mia Turner)
Seniors Braxton Williams, Colby Reese, and Alex Roy guarding the goal as Southwest kicks the ball (Mia Turner)
Colsen Odgers leans to snag the ball from the opponent. (Jenna Dooley)
Junior Alex Eden on the field (Mia Turner)
Four players line up to defend kick by BVSW player. (Lamya Alam)
Senior Carlo Sadun prepares to kick the ball. (Lamya Alam)
Sophomore Brandon Kirk kicks the ball with BVSW player behind him. (Lamya Alam)
Junior Carson Flake warms up for the game. (Jenna Dooley)
Carlo Sadun kicks the ball around BVSW player. (Lamya Alam)
Sophomore Brandon Kirk defends BVSW #39 on the field. (Lamya Alam)
Senior Colby Reese defends the goal (Jenna Dooley)