Junior, Braden Adams going in for the penalty kick. (Lexi Reeder )
Senior Francis Lee takes on his opponent to attempt to win the ball back. (Will Bensman)
Senior Connor Boudreaux takes a throw in. (Will Bensman)
Junior David Navas turns after taking the ball from his opponent. (Will Bensman)
Junior Braden Adams takes a free kick. (Will Bensman)
Senior Carson Flake rolls the ball to a teammate after a save. (Will Bensman)
Senior Alex Eden discusses the play with teammate Francis Lee. (Will Bensman)
Junior Braden Adams takes a corner kick. (Will Bensman)
Junior Peyton Magness takes a throw in. (Will Bensman)
Senior Pierce Lysinger prepares for the kick off in the second half. (Will Bensman)
Junior Braden Adams hugs a teammate after a last minute goal. (Will Bensman)
Juniors, Luke Thomlison and Braden Adams were jumping up in order to block a corner kick from Spring Hill. (Lexi Reeder )
Junior, Braden Adams was trying to push through Spring Hills player in order to move the ball up the field. (Lexi Reeder )
Senior, Luke Finzen jumps over attempted slide tackle from the opponents defense. (Lexi Reeder )
Junior, Brandon Kirk was working to keep the ball away from the other team. (Lexi Reeder )
Senior Alex Eden was keeping the ball at his feet, despite strong efforts from Spring Hill to take it. (Lexi Reeder )
Senior Luke Finzen going up for a header in order to clear the ball. (Lexi Reeder )
Goalie, Carson Flake, tosses ball to Connor Boudreaux in hopes of getting the team in a good position. (Avery Dawson)
Juniors, Peyton Magness and Braden Adams handshake after a successful play. (Avery Dawson)
Junior, Braden Adams, runs in hopes of getting open to receive the ball. (Avery Dawson)
Sophomore, Jack Polhemus leads the field in a tight game. (Avery Dawson)
Braden Adams prepares to kick the ball. (Avery Dawson)
Senior cheerleaders pump up the crowd. (Avery Dawson)
Connor Boudreaux launches the ball across the field to a teammate. (Avery Dawson)
Sophomore, Jack Polhemus passes the ball to a teammate. (Avery Dawson)
Braden Adams disagrees with a call. (Avery Dawson)
Connor Boudreaux throws the ball in towards two teammates. (Avery Dawson)