A Harmonious Team


Choir at Blue Valley West is a very unique and different department from any other in the Blue Valley West school. The choir is one big family. The choir spends countless hours preparing and performing their music. Most would say that the choir performs very well but most don’t know all their hard work they put into their performances. Anyone in choir can tell you that it changes their high school. experience for the better and all the time they spend together is time well spent.

Some choir members were interviewed and this is some of their responses; Brittany Gonzales was first to answer some questions. Brittany would describe choir as “the most fun place in the building because we get to do really cool stuff and be around a lot of cool people.” Gonzales said “ the most fulfilling experience in high school because she got to learn a lot about music and I get to be around my friends and thats really cool.”

Gonzales said she joined choir because she really loved to sing and she never knew how important choir would become to her. She also said that she joined it because she really liked all the music they were going to do. Gonzales explains a little bit about what the choir community is like at BVW, Gonzales says “the choir community is super accepting and really nice. Everyone is fun to be around, we have lots of fun together and its very chill.”

The choir introduces members to new experiences and people that others do may not know. Freshman Griffin Harvey when asked about his choir experience said, “I’ve met a bunch of super awesome people through choir I don’t think i would have met without it.” This is overall the response from most choir members and most would say the people they meet make their lives better instead of worse. When asked whether he would encourage others to do choir or not, Harvey said, “I would definitely encourage others to join choir. For people who aren’t sure just come down to the choir room for a day and see how much fun the group really is. Choosing to sing in the choir is one of the better decisions of my high school experience.”

The preparation for a performance is a long process that most overlook. Just like any other class choir is held three days a week, which provides limited practice time oppose to other extra curricular activities like sports. When asked about the preparation freshman Maggie Galloway said, “It definitely is hard work. We have to get everything perfect for a performance so it requires lots and lots of practice. The great songs you see don’t just happen overnight.” Mrs. Modelski, the choir teacher, helps the members individually and as a group during class to ensure maximum success come concert time.

There are lots of reasons to become a member of choir. If you ask ten different members you may get ten different answers. Many would say they just have a love for singing while others just want a group to be a part of. Whatever the reason all the members love the environment.

The choir at Blue Valley West is very diverse. You can find many different ethnicities and many different kinds of people, most would say all choir people are nerds and what not. Yet if you ask people from choir about the different groups then you can see that there are many people coming from different friend groups. Choir takes pride in not discriminating by the fact that all that matters in choir is your voice and your attitude.

Students in choir aren’t just in choir. There are many different opportunities to do other things because choir is a blocked class. Therefore sports don’t really interfere with class or concerts. This is a fantastic benefit if you’re thinking about choir but also want to do other extra curricular activities. Many choir students will say it’s one of their favorite benefits in fact.

Choir does many competitions and concerts throughout the year. You may see them performing in the gym during assemblies but this is a very slim part of the performances. Many don’t know that choir is a competitive activity. They compete in competitions year round against other schools from around the district or even around the country. They also do concerts both at school and other places.

One of the best events choir has is their trips every other year. This year they went to a competition in New York City. But, they can go anywhere in the country. This is a great bonding experience that the choir gets to share with each other and is always a great time.

Overall choir is one of the most interesting and fun things you can do at Blue Valley West according to choir members. It is a way to connect with new people you may never have met. You can learn to work together as a group and be a team player. You get to be competitive and compete against other choirs. And most of all you get to sing and pursue your passion of music. Ask any choir member and they will tell you joining was one of the best decisions they’ve made in high school. Many don’t know the wonders of choir and how much fun it can actually be. But, it is a great group and a fantastic opportunity. Choir as Blue Valley West is a group that can really sing.