Blue Valley West Hosts Its First Fashion Show

Update: The Fashion Club, presented their first fashion show April 15 but is recruiting designers and models for the 2023 show

Photo by Selma Khokher

Photo by Selma Khokher

Aminah Syed, Ali Gudenkauf, Alli Kushner, Editor in Chief, Photographers

On April 15, Blue Valley West is holding its first Fashion Show. It is hosted by BV West Fashion Club, one of West’s many new clubs created this year. Junior Mira Becker is the current president and one of the club’s founders.
“Fashion Club is a space for people to express their personal style and learn about fashion and clothing construction,” Becker said. “We wanted to start it to have an outlet for people to express themselves through fashion and to share that with other people.”
“[The club] is really just a place for everyone to come and be accepted and lifted up by their peers around them who share the same dream as them,” junior Lilly Malina, an executive, said.
She came up with the idea to hold a student-run fashion show to showcase the different students at West talents. The show creates a space for designers, models, makeup artists, and crew to work together to create the final product.
“[The club’s] end product [is] an entire fashion show put on by the other students at West,” Malina said.
The club has been working on the show since January by creating new hand-designed clothes, teaching students about modeling, and other technical details on running the show.
“We have prepped this for months to get ready for the show. There have been many hours of planning that have gone into it,” Becker said.
“We would love for as many people to come as possible to our show because we have put lots of time and effort into it. Our models and designers have worked so hard to create a memorable show that will leave the students wanting more,” Benson said.

Photo by Selma Khokher

BV West has held many different events sponsored by the fine arts department, and the Fashion Club has added another creative event for students to participate in and come and see.
“While students in sports and academics get recognized a lot, we would like to provide an opportunity for our artistic students to show the school what they are made of as well,” Benson said.
The fashion show has different roles within the club that play critical roles in the show. Students heavily in the arts to those interested in technology have an opportunity to help out with the show.
“As far as roles go for the club, there are four executive positions, and I am the model coordinator. Then within the group, we have models, designers, and others who are helping to run the show,” junior Ashley Benson said.
The different executives in the group have had different backgrounds and passions for fashion or modeling for years and want to be able to provide a platform for others here at West to also express their talents at the show specifically.
“We wanted to encourage any and all pieces designed by West students to be included in our show. We will have different sections of the show like a prom dress section, a West clothing section, and more,” Malina said.
“We don’t really have a definite theme, but we are going to try to make it just as glam as any famous runway show,” Benson said.
The club is continuing to expand and will also be an active club during the 2022-23 school year. There are QR codes around the school, and messaging their Instagram will allow individuals to join the club.
“There are many ways for people to get involved, they can become models for the show, design pieces to put into the show, or they could help with set up, photography, videography, or sound,” Benson said. “We hope to continue to grow our club over the years and grow the size of our show and attendance into the next few years.”
“There are QR codes around the school that add you to the GroupMe, but you can ask anyone in the club to add you,” Becker said.
The Fashion Show is at 7 p.m. in the Commons. There is no price for admission, and there will be snacks and drinks at the event.
“We are so excited to put this show on and see everyone there!” Becker said.

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