JAG: Inside The Classroom

Unique growth opportunity for BV West students

Natalie Fiorella, Reporter

Jaguar Academic Growth, also known as JAG, is an hour and half class that every BV West student has at the end of the day on Tuesdays. A student has JAG with other students in their grade, a teacher, and for the freshman Jags, there are upperclassmen mentors.

While most students use JAG to do homework, teacher Ryan Copp chose to add on to the common description.

“JAG is meant to go learn something and grow from it. Growth is what the G stands for in JAG.” Copp said.

An important feature of JAG is the ability to leave JAG classes to go see teachers or go the library.  There are two sessions available for check out so students are able to see multiple teachers if they would like to.

“About eight freshman check out to go teacher’s rooms. I track them with Google Docs.” Copp said.

A Jaguar’s experience in JAG varies. If someone has their JAG class with their friends, they may not get as much work done as someone who does not have many friends in their class.

“It’s pretty fun, I get work done, but I talk too.” freshman Emma Brokaw said.

Another unique part of JAG is the mentor program. The mentors are there to help the freshman students with their homework and any class work. The mentors are at least one year old older than the students as sophomores, juniors and seniors may apply.

“I always knew I wanted to be one,” junior Emily Krotz said. “It’s about wanting to help making West a home.”

Those hoping to be a mentor in the future, Krotz recommends, should behave well in JAG, be involved in the school, and have good relationships with their teachers.

If seniors maintain good grades their first semester, they may drop JAG at the beginning of second semester in January.

Seniors work on various class assignments together during JAG.
Seniors work on various class assignments together during JAG.