Freshmen vs. Senior Experience

Kolbie Christensen, Editor-In-Chief (2020-21)

High school is marked by many milestones in one’s life. The two biggest being freshman and senior year. These years are known as the period of time that you enter into your teenage years and eventually turns into the time you leave those memories behind. Meaning that seniors get ready to enter into the real world. Both years are equally important but both mean completely different things. One thing is for sure, you don’t want them ruined or interrupted.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic school is looking a little different than normal. The regular activities that freshmen and seniors usually enjoy, don’t look anything like they used to. Football games, dances, assemblies, and class competitions are a thing of the past and can no longer go on at BV West. Forcing the student body especially seniors to adapt to the year without these time honored traditions.
Senior Alexis Linnebach was ready to enjoy her senior year and all the perks that come with it ever since she was a freshman.
“I was excited for all the normal stuff like spirit week, pep assemblies, and JAG. It has definitely been a major adjustment to the new normal at school.” Linnebach said.
When all of the coronavirus lockdown began she originally didn’t think the pandemic would last into August.
“I honestly thought we were going to have a longer spring break by a week or two. I really thought the virus was only going to affect my junior year of high school. I was not expecting my senior year to be so out of the ordinary,” Linnebach said.
She adds that back in February she was expecting to go back to school and finish on time in May just like any other regular year.
With the virus lasting well into the year many of the normal senior activities have been cut, leaving seniors with a bittersweet feeling regarding this year. BV West seniors have been looking forward to their long awaited last year for four years.
“I was definitely disappointed with the thought that our senior year was not going to be a typical one. It’s my last year in high school and I wanted to make the most of it,” Linnebach added.
Not only has the lack of activities been disappointing for students, but the new hybrid model has been making it difficult for students to keep track of assignments or moniter the days they should be attending school. It has also taken an impact on students not just at BV West but outside school as well.
“The school year so far has seemed like I’m drinking out of a fire hydrant. Everything is completely new. With us really not being in school since March, it just feels like a ton of information is coming at you at once. It’s quite overwhelming the whole situation, not just school,” Linnebach said.
While school has been confusing for seniors who have had three years of practice with attending classes, turning in assignments on time, balancing homework and activities, freshmen have it worse.
Freshman year is already scary and stressful enough without the pandemic. Adding the hybrid schedule has made it much more difficult for freshmen to adjust this year.
Freshman Regan Linnebach, younger sister to Alexis, is experiencing all of these things, but in a different way.
“I have mixed emotions about how everything is going [my freshmen year] sometimes I am happy other times I am sad,”
It’s difficult for many students to balance the work that has to be done at school with the work that has to be done at home.
Not everyone can make themselves do their work when they are at home, without the pressure of Zoom to make them do it.
“School has been difficult to do some days in school and then [equally as hard] to do at home,” Linnebach expressed.
For freshmen a big difference is the need for them to learn repaobilitu faster than most students probably did. Trying to keep track of assignments and Zoom times is not something that comes easy. This year is forcing freshmen to step up to the plate and be in charge of their education.
“It’s hard to remember everything I need to bring for school,” Linnebach said.
Even through all of these changes and hardships Alexis Linnebach is trying to stay positive and hoping that the seniors might get one normal event.
“Personally I am optimistic that we will have some normalcy this year. I think if we were to get something semi-normal it would be prom with just seniors or it would be our graduation ceremony,” Linnebach said.
Staying positive and staying hopeful are two things the class of 2021 is trying to do. One top of that still trying to navigate the stress that comes with college applications and enjoying their last bit of high school.
As much as it saddens her to think about if Linnebach can’t get a normal senior year she hopes that the next year’s seniors can. She also leaves some advice for her sister and the rest of the freshmen class.
“The best advice I can give a freshman is to enjoy your time at West. It will go by extremely fast. It feels like just the other day I was in your shoes as a freshman.”
Truly one of the oldest pieces of advice but the most important one that any freshmen can get as they start this four year journey.
She also adds what she has found to be the most important thing that they will need to survive the next four years.
“The next biggest point I have is that Canvas is your best friend. It will be your lifeline in highschool.”