Summer’s Ready

Sara Wallace, 21CJ Reporter

Everyone can understand that summer is a much-needed escape from school at the end of a hard year. People are craving free time to relax with no nagging schoolwork or activities. Students often dream of sleeping in and watching Netflix until five o’clock in the evening almost everyday. When students are being active it is often only spending time with friends. “I sit around too much at home, and I’m not always as active as I should be.” Shelby Hoelting said about her past summers.

Time to relax and have fun is something everyone needs to inquire in their lives to a certain extent. During summer, there is a lot of free time, which makes putting those two aspects fit very easily in daily life. The biggest issue though, is that students are often so elated to be free of stress that they overdue the amount of time they spend relaxing. Free time is meant to give people more freedom that they want, but there has to be a balance to that with productivity. It is healthier for people to find activities to participate in over the summer to also keep them busy and adding to their lives. If students spend three months doing very little for themselves, they can feel that their summer was unfulfilled, that they missed out on opportunities, and unhealthy. Students can find great experiences doing summer camps for school, sports, music, or other interests. It also can be the best way to catch up or get ahead for the challenges next year will bring. The more active students are everyday of the summer and the more they accomplish, can lead to better habits, healthier lifestyles, and pride in what they do.