Jv Wrestling Mixer (11/30)

On November 30th 2022, The BV West girls and boys Jv wrestling teams hosted their first mixer.

Kylie Clark, Makenzie Galliart, Morgan Magee, Photographers


Senior Natasha Fitman prepares to begin the round against a student of Blue Valley High (Kylie Clark)
Freshman Christian Shalberg sets up for the new round against a BVNW opponent. (Kylie Clark)
Freshman Kason Grimaldo fastens his headgear moments before his match (Kylie Clark)
Freshman Owen Clymer fights out of a pin against a wrestler from Blue Valley (Kylie Clark)
Freshman Owen Clymer holds the head of his opponent down to prevent him from escaping (Kylie Clark)
Kylie Clark
Sophomore Chris Bowman stands over his opponent before they begin wrestling (Kylie Clark)
Freshman Kaden Mitchell stares down his opponent from BVNW (Kylie Clark)
Woah! Freshman Henry White fights his opponent from BV High at the Jv wrestling mixer on November 30th. (Morgan Magee)
Henry White pushes down his opponent from BV High. (Morgan Magee)
Sophomore Chris Bowman wins his second match against a Bv NorthWest wrestler. (Morgan Magee)
Henry White fights for his second win while fighting an opponent from BV High. (Morgan Magee)
Senior Natasha Fitman (Morgan Magee)
Henry White gets slammed to the ground by his opponent. (Morgan Magee)
Freshman Kason Grimaldo wins his first match of the night! (Morgan Magee)
Chris Bowman sizes up his opponent while planning his next move. (Morgan Magee)
Morgan Magee
Junior Maizie Thorpe prepares to take on her opponent from BV North (Makenzie Galliart)
Junior Maizie Thorpe looks to the ref as she gets the pin (Makenzie Galliart)
Freshmen Kendell Montgomery fights to get her opponent on her back for the pin (Makenzie Galliart)
Freshmen Owen Clymer prepares for his match against a BV High opponent (Makenzie Galliart)
Freshmen Owen Clymer talks to Coach Cat after the match (Makenzie Galliart)
Senior Anna Davenport of BV West fights another jag teammate, junior Maizie Thorpe (Makenzie Galliart)
Freshmen Kaden Mitchell fights his BV Northwest opponent for the pin (Makenzie Galliart)