Cheez-it Review

Kyler Murphy and Kennedy Kramer

There are so many Cheez-it’s in the world. How does one choose the best Cheez-it of them all? Here is our guide.


Face it, some people are snack purists. They believe that simplicity is often adjacent to godliness…at least for munchies. 1921 was the year of the gods who created this irresistibly savory and salty snack. These are the plain ideal of what a Cheez-it is, and can ever hope to be. It’s the gold standard of the entire brand. Praise be to the original. Score 7/10

White Cheddar

These crackers can be generally considered as the Part 2 to the original, orange Cheddar — like the Cool Ranch equivalent in the Doritos world. The best part of these White Cheddar crackers might be the delightful trail of White Cheddar residue that always lingers on your fingers after indulging in a handful of these wonderfully flavored delights. Score 6.5/10

Extra Toasty

We’re guessing Cheez-its Twitter feed blew up with requests for this to the point where the mouth watering cracker became today’s burnt offering for the gods. Either too many people wasted their time putting them in the oven for an hour, or they simply found out that the aired out flavor quickly became the best part of the Cheez-it experience. Nonetheless, no mistake was made here in the great creation. Score 5.5/10

Hot n’ Spicy

Cheez-its… you were close. These were almost spicy. It’s like they wanted to get closer but dared not try, so they fell short. Maybe they were scared of burning the eaters’ tongues off. Admittedly, they’re pretty good, a nice tasty heat with nothing short of almost perfection. If they’d just pump it up a lil’ bit, there could be nothing better in the cracker universe. Score 6/10

Italian Four Cheese

Serving directions: Place fancily on a golden platter at any event, family dinner, cotillion or serve it on a menu at a classy restaurant, we really don’t care. Just eat it. The quartet of whatever types of cheese present create the perfect combo worthy of World Food Prize. Really though, what is it? The original? Parmesan? White Cheddar? It. Doesn’t. Matter. Just eat it on the couch while watching The Office and move on with life. Score 6/10