Unsentimental Gifts

Perfect gifts for someone you do not really know.

Leah Zimmerli, Managing Editor

During the holiday season, there is always one person on your list who is impossible to shop for. Whether it is for a secret gift exchange or an kind but distant cousin, these crowd pleasing gifts will be suitably unsentimental for any gift giving situation.

  1. Chocolate
  2. Socks
  3. A Target Giftcard
  4. Coffee Mug
  5. Candles
  6. Scented Lotion
  7. A Small Amount of Money
  8. Gloves
  9. Gas Money
  10. Novelty Figurine
  11. An Album of Holiday Music
  12. A Bland Holiday Card
  13. Anything with Peppermint
  14. Chapstick
  15. A Copy of the Latest Dystopian YA Novel
  16. Cookies that you bought at the store but put in a tin so you can act like they’re homemade
  17. A Holiday Coffee Blend
  18. Hot Chocolate Kit
  19. Tree Ornament
  20. Fruit Cake
  21. Potted Plant
  22. Coffee Table Book
  23. A Serving Bowl
  24. A Basic Tie
  25. Some kind of nice blanket