Jazz Band Performance 11/4

Select group entertains large audience

Anna Kratochvil, Photographer

Drew Chandler wows the audience as he performs a solo on the trombone. (Anna Kratochvil )
The entire band put their all into every song as they serenaded the audience. (Anna Kratochvil )
Intense focus and a load of skill went into the performance of each of the five songs played that night. (Anna Kratochvil )
Yash Cherukumundi, Owen Wallander, and Saif Shaffie all played the trumpet during the performance, impressing listeners with their talents. (Anna Kratochvil )
The audience gave a standing ovation at the end of every song as the band left every person in awe with their amazing music. (Anna Kratochvil )
Yash Cherukmundi, Owen Wallander, and Saif Shaffie offered wonderful trumpet music to each jazz song played.
Ellie Manna, Lydia Princ, Ishaan Buddharaju, and Mr. Ryan Ramsey sat front and center on the stage as they played the saxophone with expertise. (Anna Kratochvil )
Saif Shaffie performed a trumpet solo worth of all of the applause he received. (Anna Kratochvil )
On the trombone, Drew Chandler and Elijah Jay added a little something special to every tune. (Anna Kratochvil )
Ishaan Buddharaju played the alto saxophone for the band and did not disappoint. (Anna Kratochvil )
Adia Stone came to cheer on fellow and mates and made sure to show her appreciation for all of their songs. (Anna Kratochvil )
Anika Thakur played the piano the entire night and delivered a flawless performance. (Anna Kratochvil )