Lakewood Middle School student playing a bowling game with softballs for the softball carnival booth. (Stella West)FCS members running a “guess who” event booth. (Stella West)Seniors Camdyn Hatch and Miranda Humphreville making crepes for French Honors Society carnival booth. (Stella West)Sophomore Maximo helping out with NAHS soda toss carnival booth. (Stella West)Senior Delainey Seibert running a spin the wheel booth for National Thespians Society. (Stella West)Member of Art Club doing face paint for the carnival booth. (Stella West)Sophomore Samuel Milgrim playing the ringtoss game for NAHS carnival booth. (Stella West)Mr. MacDonnell playing the NAHS ringtoss game with his son. (Stella West)Senior Lindsay Fritz doing temporary tattoos for NAHS carnival booth. (Stella West)(Emory Ashcraft)(Emory Ashcraft)(Emory Ashcraft)(Emory Ashcraft)(Emory Ashcraft)