Boys Varsity Basketball vs. BVNW

The Jags win 73-70 in overtime on February 8th 2022.

Morgan White and Hadley Kelemen, Photographer

Holding the ball Senior Jack Ratigan looks across the court for a pass to a teammate. (Morgan White)
Jackson Lovich takes the ball to the side of the court while high-fiving his teammate Jack Ratigan. (Hadley Kelemen)
Senior Gage Roach runs down court to get open for a pass. (Morgan White)
Bryce Hanson, a senior on the Varsity Basketball team shoots and scores a free throw for the jags (Morgan White)
Senior Jackson Lovich continues to play well as tensions rise with the close score. (Morgan White)
As time ticks away Sam Ungashick looks at the close score on the scoreboard. (Morgan White)
Senior Sam Ungashick dribbles between legs to get past the opponent on BVNW. (Morgan White)
A senior at BVW Brooks Lowe starts a chant to cheer on the jags. (Morgan White)
BVW Varsity Cheer Squad holds up junior Zoey Flanary in a lib stunt during a timeout. (Morgan White)
Teammates and fans on the sidelines celebrate when Senior Jackson Lovich dunks. (Morgan White)
Players discuss their next move in an attempt to beat BVNW as the time on the clock ticks down. (Hadley Kelemen)
Senior Jack Ratigan celebrates after defeating Blue Valley Northwest 73-70 in overtime. (Hadley Kelemen)
Senior Jack Ratigan finishes shooting a free throw in the last few minutes of a stressful game. (Hadley Kelemen)
Jackson Lovich and Jack Ratigan give their teammate a pep talk as he is about to take a free throw. (Hadley Kelemen)
The student section starts the JAGS cheer with the parents on the other side of the court to get everyone hype. (Hadley Kelemen)
Coach Hintz talks to his team with 20 seconds left in the game. The Jaguars were down by 2 points and needed a basket to win. (Hadley Kelemen)
Jack Ratigan gives Sam Ungashick a high-five after he sinks a free throw. (Hadley Kelemen)
Dribbling the ball down the court to score a basket, senior Gage Roach has the ball while the preppy student section watches in the background. (Hadley Kelemen)